Thursday, March 19, 2009

some words

i had my nails polished, letting it dry, so i try to type in eng instead.
today got quite a lot of work to do, some places to go, had some meetings with colleagues. Luckily not really a harsh day.

i was out of office b4 off, then take an mtr to home. since i joined this company i always go home by bus, so i had not many chances to walk around. today i had some window shopping, though did not buy anything but feeling happy.

i had a feeling that when u have more stress, u wanna shop more to release them.

days by days. some are unhappy days and some are in low pressure. i always remind myself to treasure the happy moments. the milk tea b4 work, the window shop after work, the light meals when i back to home, most of all the times i killed when my eyes were sick.

a better day is coming.

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